October 2022


Bocas Del Toro and Panama City

8 days 157 species 37 lifersView on eBird

This was another vacation trip where I managed to fit in some birding. I wasn't exactly staying in prime areas for birding, so overall it wasn't my best birding trip, but I did pick up 35 lifers which was alright. My time was mostly split between Panama City area and the little island of Bocas Del Toro. I made it to the famous Pipeline Road spot about 40 mins out of Panama City on my first day. I wanted to go back but I ended up getting into a car accident (not my fault) which disrupted my plans a little! Regardless, here's a selection of some of my less bad shots.

Red-throated Ant-Tanager LiferView on eBird
Red-throated Ant-Tanager LiferView on eBird
Plain-colored Tanager LiferView on eBird
Appropriately named
Morelet's Seedeater View on eBird
Yellow Warbler (Mangrove) View on eBird
First time seeing this striking subspecies!
Golden-collared Manakin LiferView on eBird
Dusky Antbird LiferView on eBird
Bronzy Hermit LiferView on eBird
Crimson-crested Woodpecker LiferView on eBird
White-whiskered Puffbird LiferView on eBird
One of the few birds that actually posed nicely. Taken at the Pipeline Road.

The gardens surounding the Biomuseum were surprisingly good for hummingbirds that I didn't see anywhere else.

Snowy-bellied Hummingbird LiferView on eBird
Garden Emerald LiferView on eBird
Orange-chinned Parakeet View on eBird
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